Advanced Training and Equipping the Saints in Spiritual Warfare Strategies


An open letter to all Pastors, Leaders, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, and fellow-soldiers in Christ.

Dear fellow labourers:

As this present age draws to a close, we as Christians are engaged in warfare as never before. It is therefore critical that we are familiar with the diverse strategies of our enemy that have been hidden through stealth. To be effective in our warfare, we need to recognise and be familiar with the diabolical diversities Satan and his agents have unleashed against the Body of Christ. We are no longer talking of a Coming Apostasy, but Apostasy Now!

Paul declared with confidence “Brothers, we are not ignorant of Satan’s devices.” (2 Corinthians 2:11) This cannot be presumed or declared today with the same level of confidence and assurance.

The Lord is to return soon, not for a Child Bride, but for a Mature Bride who knows who she is and has prepared herself for her soon coming King and future Bridegroom.

David and Raelene Thompson of Watchman Ministries Inc. are Prophetic Teachers with Connexions International, who have had extensive experience in addressing and actively warring in and against many of the enemy’s ploys. They address the following subject areas to assist, train, equip and empower, those who are open and willing to advance to a new plateau in Spiritual Warfare understanding and preparedness. They offer this through basic and advanced training to small or larger groups.

Subject areas addressed may include:

  • Discipling, equipping, empowering and commissioning warriors for high level spiritual warfare.
  • Warning of the infiltration of New Age Movement (NAM) and Eastern Mysticism practices into the church, the body of Christ.
  • The impact of personal and generational Masonic legacies on the Christian community, individuals and their progeny. Providing Prayer Ministry to break the ongoing legacies and outcomes of having Masonic forebears.
  • The consequences of sending unprepared troops to the mission field and the resulting casualties and fallout.
  • The significance impact of early childhood trauma (A and B) on children, adolescents and adults. (PTSD).
  • The satanic exploitation of Trauma Based Mind Control states in the field of Spiritual Warfare.
  • Understanding and addressing the sophisticated level of evil and warfare strategies directed and waged against believers and Christian organisations from covens and cult groups.
  • Spiritual gateways and openings, on and over survivors of cult abuse that are hidden and veiled.
  • The effect and impact of denominational worldviews on approaches to spiritual warfare.
  • Unmasking the general satanic “Web of Darkness.” (Request the “Web of Darkness - occult checklist”.)






 Web of Darkness 








  • Unmasking the “New Age Web of Darkness” through occult and alternative health practices.

New Age Web of Darkness

  • The Apostasy occurring through the Purpose Driven Life Lie.
  • The negative influence of New Age Bible Translations on Spiritual Warfare

If we are able to provide further information, training and/or assistance, please contact:  

Pastors David and Raelene Thompson of Watchman Ministries Inc. Email: